Friday, January 15, 2010

More magical fun than you can handle

As the applications deadlines loom, college recruiters get a little loopy. They want to get as many students to choose from as possible, and that means emailing every possible students five times a day until the fateful deadline day passes. All this pressure has to be getting to them, since their emails have gotten odder. This says nothing about the schools, which are all very reputable and educational I'm sure, Cabin Fever can affect anyone.

Consider this subject line from Mills College in Oakland, California: "The Magic Runs Out At Midnight"

The Mills application is due at midnight, which explains part of the title. The rest of the subject was obviously inspired of the mystical magical semester of Senior year where any free time is spent blissfully writing essays, typing up majestic community service activity sheets, and filling out the same personal information again and again. If only I could be there once again. Too bad the magic runs out at midnight. At least I had it while it lasted.

St. Olaf's most recent email gave me a glimpse of what people think is "fun" in their hallowed halls. "Meanwhile, for a little fun…As inspiration to push you through to the final “submit,” play our fight song and imagine yourself being cheered on as an Ole (or at least envision explaining to your friends how your college fight song is a waltz). Or how about some serious fun? Become a fan of St. Olaf on Facebook and get your questions answered while you finish up your application."

What's that Liz? You want to hang out Thursday? Well, I would except I've kinda got the St. Olaf fight song cued up for the next three hours. It's just so peppy.

Sorry Steve, I can't go out with you this weekend. I'm joining a St. Olaf group on Facebook! Pressing that join button is more fun than the movies, and they have helpful-slash-informative answers to all my questions about my application.

I don't know, maybe I'm just not cut out for the excitement of life at Olaf.

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